
So That Is What It Was

This morning in church I noticed the words on the screen were shaking in a way that usually doesn't happen with a stationary object. Had I been drinking the night before, I could possibly use that as an excuse, but that wasn't it. It wasn't until I got home and read this, that it all make sense. And if you look at this map, it appears that I'm closer to the epicenter than many Japanese. So now I've experienced quakes on two continents, neither being my home continent. How 'bout that?

In other news, it has been a good weekend so far. Went and saw Hitch the other night, or Mr. Hitch as they like to call it here. Pretty funny film. Chris and I washed the chick flick down with a viewing of 28 Days Later. I found it to be interesting and unique as horror/end of the world films go. I loved the scenes of an abandoned London, as it reminded me of some of my late night wanderings of that town.

Yesterday had lunch with a friend. I'm enjoying trying all the Korean dishes. Yesterday it was Bulgogi. (I think - I'm still learning) And luckily for me, I had more kimchi yesterday than I've had so far. I'm working up a taste for the fermented cabbage. Why did I say luckily, well it looks like kimchi can cure just about anything.

By the way, check out the redesigned RyanCordell.com. Now I just need to figure out how to get this page to match the rest...

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