
Random Blog Stuff

I've spent a little time in the last week doing some behind the scenes work on this blog to make your experience here the best that it can be.

If you look to your left, my right, you will see that I've added a
"Catagorized Archives." By clicking that link you can see the posts in various catagories, so for the obscure person who might want to read all my random thoughts, or see all my posts regarding my life, they can do it a bit easier.

If you look down, unless that post is not there anymore, you will notice a big grey box that says, "Play This Audio Post." This will appear now and then, as I experiment with AudioBlogging. Someone asked what the purpose of this was. I can give a few reasons as to the audio blogging.
1. It will allow me to be lazy at times. No typing, just a simple phone call.
2. I can post things that most students and RAs at BFA dorms can't access from their computers due to a lacking in sound cards.
3. It will give you the reader a more complete idea of who the man behind the curtain is, as you will now be able to put a voice to the rest of the picture you have.
4. It is a free service that my blogging service offers that other blogging services don't offer.
5. No spelling errors or having to do spell check.
6. And yes Erich, sarcasm will be easier to express in vocal patterns as opposed to typing it out. Not that I ever use sarcasm.

If there is anything else we can do to make your visit better, please let us know.

Currently listening to: Currently listening to: Leopold Kraus Wellenkapelle - Schwarzwarld Fieber

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