"I remember when Ryan came to BFA. I will never forget your long flowing red hair. Ryan has always had a servant's heart. From the start he was always willing to do whatever and whenever. When you came you actually lived in the Palmgarten before it was a dorm and helped in construction/maintenance. Later you moved into HBR as an RA. Ryan is the model RA - there for the kids. Ryan also came to BFA with some amazing training and talent in the area of commmunications and we needed those qualities and so he joined our communications team. All of you know the high quality of our webpage and the credit for that goes single-handedly to Ryan. In today's world, an organization's public face is often first seen through its webpage. We can be proud of ours. We have gotten glowing reviews and comments about how good it is, how usable it is and how it stands as a model for others. Thanks Ryan. When Ryan moved over to communications, he never lost his love for the residence program. Most nights and most weekends he is in our dorms helping out. The man just never stops. For Ryan it is all about the kids. It is all about being there (no one takes more pictures to document their lives at BFA), and pointing them to the Lord. Your contribution and example is a model to all of us. Thank you Ryan for sharing your passions with all of us and for wanting the very best for BFA. I can only hope and pray that we will be able to continue to meet the high standartds you are levaing behind. Thanks you Ryan."
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