A belated happy Valentine's Day to you all. You got to love a day celebrating the patron saint of love and the plague. Oh, and bee keepers, St. Valentine is the patron saint of bee keepers. So why do we give flowers and not honey on this glorious day? Sure bees travel from flower to flower, but the honey is where it is at. I guess as long as society does not start celebrating with the giving of disease ridden rats, we will all be fine.
Speaking of odd things Valentine related,
Law And Order: SVU Valentine's Day cards might be one of the worst ideas. A show revolving around sex crimes is not the best idea for expressing your love.
By the way, here in Korea they show LaO:SVU is on two different channels. You can actually see three or four episodes a day.
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Remember the sitcom "Wings"? We Reimers loved it, and it was syndicated on USA four times a day. That meant, on Tuesday, when a new episode would air on the broadcast station, it was five episodes of Wings in one night, baby!
How could I forget that show? Such a great cast. And I think I was just a few states away watching at the same time to the USA marathons.
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