
Take Me Home

A few of my readers might be interested to know that I ushered in the New Year by watching two soccer matches on a big screen. And to one of my readers, I ask the question: "is not the basic idea of soccer (or football as you might call it) to kick the ball into the goal that your team is not defending?" Whoops.

And that my friends was the highlight of my New Year Celebration. Blame it on the unsafe feeling of random people shooting off dangerous amounts of pyrotechnics in the streets. Perhaps it is that I've grown tired of seeing a lot of white men with Thai girls about half their age walking arm in arm. Or maybe, it is just that I'm ready to head back to Korea. Either way, I'm ready to pack the bags and kiss Phuket good-bye.

Currently listening to: Some girl reading an email from a guy who said he couldn't call her "while the wife was around." Classic.


Anonymous said...

Your evening sounds nice and calm. Welcome to 2006!

Anonymous said...

One of your readers was watching the same games as you in cold Switzerland and has to agree with your comments.....glad to see you saw in the New Year with a bit of culture, mind you.