
Some Follow Ups

Recently I told you one of my ideas for cool shirt designs that have foreign phrases that would make the wearer look stupid. Well, I've found a guy on eBay who is selling some cool shirts, including this one and this one. And while we are talking about shirts, this gal also has a very creative idea regarding clothing for the workplace.

Oh, and while we are catching up on some previous posts, Der Iron Chef doesn't look like he is up for the challenge, but would rather continue to mock, in regards to my challenge in the post below this one.

And finally, a few weeks ago, I told you about a gorilla suit that had been donated to a homeless shelter. Well, I got an email the other day, informing me that the gorilla had been mistakenly included in a bunch of stuff to donate, and that they wanted it back. And I never got to really use it. Oh well.

Currently listening to: Mindy Smith - cover

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