Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Vast, red and ready to turn into a lorry at the slightest provocation, you are a robot to be reckoned with. Although sickeningly noble, you just can't resist a good interplanetary war, especially when Orson Welles is involved. You have friends who can shoot tapes from their chests. Tapes that turn into panthers. And other friends who are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs who jump out of planes. Will you have my children?
Which Annoying B-list Celebrity Are You?
You're Pauly Shore.
Possibly the most obnoxious B-list celebrity there ever was or could ever be, you were once an MTV veejay but have since moved into the world of really, really bad movies. Take, for example, Biodome. Or the risible Encino Man (aka California Man). You've complained that Beavis and Butthead stole your act - and you may well be right. Ugh.
Currently listening to: Klonakilty - Symbiosis
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