
Six Items Or Less

So I went to Walmart the other day. (Yes, they have them here in Germany.) While there I saw a sight that I thought was only common in American stores. The weasels who take more than the allotted number of items in the express line. Here it was six items or less, and I saw people with ten, twelve, and even more items in line. Now I know some people fuzz the line claiming that multiple quantities of an item, only counts as one item, but this I think is clearly against all that is understood by the phrase, "x items or less." I can't walk up with 500 Snickers bars, because that is more than the six, ten or twenty as is common in most store express lanes.

So what do you do about it. I think stores should be able to charge double for every item above the limit. It would be a stupidity charge. The store employee would just have to say, hey stupid, you have more items than the sign above you says, so you are going to be charged for being stupid. You could also replace the word stupid for rude or lazy, as that is sometimes the case. I think it would work, the express lanes would go back to what they were intended for, or the stores would make a higher profit, either way someone is happy. Plus I wouldn't get as frustrated with the idiot with sneaking ten extra items through, knowing he was going to pay way too much for his bag of Doritos.

Currently listening to: Sarah Mason - Her first album.

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