Dang, I'm feeling like I need to let out some steam, but due to a little bit of professionalism, I can't really say what I really want to. So instead, I've decided to let loose on something completely random, in the hopes that it will make me feel better.
So today I was checking out
Blogs4God and saw a request for a Christian alternative to
Xanga or
Myspace. For those of you not familiar with Xanga or MySpace, you have two choices: Do a little research about them or just go back under the rock you came out from. Actually, they are both web communities centered around the blog concept. (If you don't know what a blog is, then go directly back under that rock I was talking about.) Basically, it is a way for people to put their thoughts, photos, comments, diaries, and what ever else online for the rest of the world to ignore. In doing this, a virtual community of people is created. It is like one big electronic group hug.
So, for one reason or another someone doesn't feel that these communities are good enough for their Christian kids, and wants to find a really good Christian web community.
Well, here is Cordell's response: What the freak! First off, this is an online world. Try something like getting your kid involved in the real world. Have you tried afterschool clubs, little league basketball (whoops, I forgot you probably have enrolled them in Upwards basketball) or dance classes? It is better for your kid if they have friends they can interact with on a face to face level.
Second, have you ever thought about teaching your kids about the potential for ministry? Sure there might be some bad ads out there, or perhaps bad people on those "non-christian" communities, but wouldn't it be great if they could interact with people of faith? Heck, in the first couple minutes of looking at Myspace, I found that
Reliant K was offering their latest video clip there, and there only. Now if Reliant K only offered their music on a religious site, how many people would really see it. In fact, after a little searching on both, you can find many various groups of Christians willing to make a stand for their faith.
You need to think of this virtual community like your own little town. Unless you are Amish (which you shouldn't even be reading this due to electronic deficiencies), you probably don't live in a community made up of all Christians. Now it is another thing if you actually interact with your neighbors who don't believe as you do. But shouldn't that be what we are teaching our kids. That we need to take the Gospel to all parts of the world, physical or virtual?
And I got news for you. Just because it is a "Christian" blogging area, doesn't mean that your kid is going to be free from offensive material. There might be someone spouting off why it is better to be a Baptist, why Calvin was wrong, why you should only listen to musical artists who play Biblical instruments like the lute and cymbals, or God forbid someone posing as a Christian just to sell stuff on a site. If you are really worried about your kid, again, get the kid away from the computer and out with some real friends that you can visibly see.
In the end, I would be less worried about your kid using a good "Christian" web community, and more worried about why they want to tell their thoughts about everything to a bunch of complete strangers. And don't get me started on then having to deal with the rejection that the kid will have to deal with when he doesn't get as many comments as other people.
So that is my rant, and you know what, I don't feel too much better. Perhaps another rant later....
Currently listening to:
Esther Havens (who I discoverd on MySpace while "reseaching this post")