
On the Road Soon

Well, I just found out that I'm going to be taking a trip to Rome in a few days with a group of students from the school. Kind of cool, although I know it will be more work than the last time I went to the ancient city (see the photo on the front page of my website.) Don't have much to say tonight, but wanted to give you all a chance to see a little bit of what I'll be viewing. And since cameras are a no-no in the Vatican Museums, I figured this is the best way.

Currently listening to: Bill Mallonee - Perfumed Letter

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Space Elevator: Next Stop, Earth Orbit

So earlier this week I had to speak at a chapel at the elementary school. The topic was
Genesis 11, and the Tower of Babel. As I was preparing, I was reminded of a news report I had read about a space elevator that had just been discussed at a conference. Well, you really should read this article and see what questions you come up with. Some of mine include:
1. Can I really expect in my lifetime a 31 mile skyscaper, let alone a 22,000 mile transportation service attached to it?
2. Will I actually know people out there I want to ship something to? Heck, I barely ever ship anything to my friends across the ocean.
3. Who is really paying for this? And can I come up with some crazy idea like this to get grant money from someone?

I actually never used this as part of my talk, but I do find it interesting in light of the Tower of Babel. Could we have gotten to a point where mankind is no longer scattered by languages, and are going to return to building a tower to the heavens?

Currently listening to: The sound of my fish tank's filter. No music right now.


Who Owns One of These Cars

So I was doing a little surfing around Ebay tonight, and came across this add for a part to the Batmobile. In the ad it uses the phrase, "IF YOU OWN A BATMOBILE, YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS PIECE." Now call me crazy, but are there a lot of people out there that have a Batmobile? I thought Batman was the only one, and I'm assuming that he has all the parts to it he needs. And if there are more people than just Batman who have a Batmobile, why don't I see more of them on the road? There are so many more questions this product causes to appear in my head, but I'll leave it at that.

Currently listening to: Stickman Jones - Blinding Bright


Two Fun Sites

Well, I first must say I saw "Pirates of the Caribbean" this weekend, and I do like it. How much do I like it, enough to want to be a pirate. Ok, not that much, but it sounds good right. And if you really want to be a pirate, be sure to mark on your calendar International Talk Like A Pirate Day which is coming up later this week.

And speaking of the future, how would you like to get an email in a few years. Thanks to the kind folks at F u t u r e M e . o r g you can send yourself an email in a day, a week, or even twenty years. I've already sent myself one to remind myself to get some courage to do something, or the me from the past will beat up the me in the future. And I think I'm going to send myself some other quality notes way in the future to shock myself. You can also read some of the emails people are sending themselves. I'll warn you, some are funny, some crude, some are rather depressing. Either way, an interesting concept.

Currently listening to: King's X - King's X (ironically the song that is on right now is "Lost In Germany.")


I'm Richer Than I Thought

Have you ever wanted to know how rich you are? Sure, you are not Bill Gates at the top of the rich scale, but I'll bet you are in the top 15%. Do me a favor and swing by theGlobal Rich List and see where you wind up.

Me personally, I'm in the 667,000,000 range, with over 5,000,000,000 people poorer than myself. Makes you really think about what we have, and what others don't. Actually I hope it does more than make you think.

Currently listening to: Gin Blossoms - New Miserable Experience

Here are the old comments.


Good-bye Johnny

Bono from U2 once said, "Not since John the Baptist has there been a voice like that crying in the wilderness. The most male voice in Christendom. Every man knows he is a sissy compared to Johnny Cash." Well today there is one less voice in the wilderness.Music Legend Johnny Cash Dies at 71

Currently listening to: Johnny Cash - American Recordings IV: The Man Comes Around


Music Worth Listening To

I could say a lot, but tonight I'm just going to point you to an interview with Bill Mallonee, an incredible artist who just released a great CD titled "Perfumed Letter." Check out the interview, and then go grab the CD.

Currently listening to: Bob Ross talk about painting a wave on his tv show, which is shown every night on a channel here in Germany.

Listen to the Radio in Your Car

Well, today I learned that I should stop practicing the tuba when I drive on the German autobahn. Luckily I learned from the internet, when I read about German police nabbed a flute-playing driver. Who knew you couldn't drive and play an instrument at the same time?

Currently listening to: Sam Philips - Five Colors from the album Fan Dance (as played on my online radio station)


Man Ships Himself To Save Money

I know I've joked about shipping myself to save a few dollars on the travel expense, but I didn't think anyone would ever attempt it. But this week some man shipped himself from N.Y. to Texas.

The kicker is that at this point he has yet to be charged with anything, except outstanding Texas warrants!! Hello, if you have warrants for your arrest in a state, do you think it is wise to enter in a spectacular way?

Well, gotta go find a large box for my next adventure. BTW, if a six foot box shows up on your doorstep with German markings on it. Please open it quickly. I might be hungry.

Currently listening to: Will Kimbrough - Home Away


Visiting Old Friends

I'm going to admit something here that might change some of your opinions of me. On occasion I like to visit the local art museum. See the first Sunday of the month is free entry day to most of the museums in Basel. So on the first Sunday of the month, when I remember, I like to stop in a wander around a museum. At times I go for inspiration, at times just to get lost in a large building, and other times just because I have nothing else to do, besides rush back for my Sunday afternoon nap.

Today while I was walking around the museum, I began to think that after about four years of visiting this same building, some of these paintings are becoming like old friends. I can walk around and recognize some of the faces, like we have met several times. Over on one wall is Picasso's painting of Malers Jacinto Salvado, around the corner and up some steps is the sad gal who Lichtenstein titled, "Hopeless." As I wander the halls there are many familiar scenes, many crowds I've entered in before, many hills I've dreamed of running up. Sure there is always some new and interesting things to check out, but I think I discovered today, I go back many times, just to feel like I belong to a place and a time.

Well, if you follow the link above you can take a really cool virtual tour of the museum. I highly recommend it. In fact, try it and see if you can find "Hopeless", Picasso's "Arlequin assis", and a some of the modern art that makes me wonder why I can't be an artist.

Currently listening to: Charlie Peacock - The Secret of Time


Asteroid danger in 2014 downplayed

Now I don't want to alarm everyone but there is a chance we could be hit by a large asteroid in 11 years. But don't worry the scientists tell us, there is only a 1 in 909,000 chance it will hit the planet. But then I began to search for other odds out there, and did you know that you have a
1 in 685 chance of drowing in your bathtub. Or if you check out this table you will find that in 2000 you had a 1 in 914,638 chance of dying due to exposure to excessive natural heat or a 1 in 5,506,120 chance of dying by being hit by lightening.

But you have nothing to worry about because you are still alive, you've beaten the odds, and what kind of person would even bother with something with odds like 1 in 909,000.

By the way, the odds of winning PowerBall are 1 in 120,526,770.

Currently listening to: Cademan's Call - In the Company of Angels


The Heart Sometimes Disconnects the Brain

As I guy, I can admit that we do some pretty stupid things in the name of love or attempting to gain the attention of a member of the opposite gender. It is a fact that I've walked my dog way out our neighborhood in order to "just happen to pass by" a girls house. I can say that I've also tried snowboarding, began listening to country music, practiced slight of hand magic tricks, and even relearned to dirve stick shift to impress or not look stupid in the eyes of various girls I've been interested in. A few years back a couple of my students made a multi-country bike ride just to ask a girl out. But none of those compare to this poor pathetic love sick boy. What lesson can we learn from this poor guy? I would say we could learn not to be an idiot when it comes to the area of the heart, but I think the only thing we really can learn is to have a comfortable shoes when hitchhiking, and possibly to phone first.

(for those too busy to click the link - a 15 year old hitchhiked 1250 miles to find out he has been dumped)

Currently listening to: Duncan Sheik - Daylight (currently on my online radio station - check it out.)